The Sustainable Tourism Score is available to both tourism businesses and tourism destinations to complete a free online assessment that will help them to establish a baseline level of sustainability performance and better understand the areas in which they can improve. The online assessment uses two sets of criteria, both of which are formally GSTC-recognized and measure sustainability in the categories of management, social, economic, cultural, natural, and environmental.
Businesses: Free access to the complete 87 question business assessment.
Destinations: Free access to the complete 117 question destination assessment.
The online assessment will automatically calculate their scorecard once all questions have been answered, and users will have ongoing access to their responses to review their baseline and identify areas to improve sustainability performance over time. The tool is intended to remove the barrier to entry, to ensure that businesses and destinations of any type and size can utilize a simple, free online assessment to measure their progress over time, while offering tangible and realistic actions that could be implemented in the short, medium, and long term.