Add an Entry

Please select the type of entry you would like to contribute.

Resources include toolkits, case studies, good practices, peer-reviewed articles and more that help to guide Indigenous tourism stakeholders towards sustainable practices to develop their destinations.

Networks include a database of Indigenous tourism related groups and organizations that provide ways to become more deeply involved in sustainable Indigenous tourism at the local, national, and supranational levels

What type of Entry would you like to add?

Your listing details

    Step 1

    To add an entry register first. 

    Step 2

    Sign in if you are already registered. 

    Step 3

    Click on main menu button “Add an Entry” to reach the entry submission Page.

    Step 4

    Select the Type of Entry you want to submitt. Choose either




    Step 5

    Follow the fields in the subscription form to enter your data.

    Step 6

    Confirm your entry and submit the form.

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    Now the content admin will check your entry and publish it as soon as possible.