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In this webinar, CEO Shannon Stowell, and Dr. Jim Merlino from Cleveland Clinic, review the newly released overarching Adventure Travel COVID-19 health & safety guideline.
Being an Adventure Travel Guide is a fantastic job and a great challenge. Guides are considered the front line of the tourism industry, playing an important role interacting with guests, while educating them, keeping them safe, ensuring they have a good time and imparting on them the values of responsible tourism. As an Adventure Travel Guide, you will be an athlete, a diplomat, a teacher, a storyteller, a doctor, an environmentalist, an entertainer, all at the same time. These courses adhere to the International Adventure Travel Guide Qualification and Performance Standard.
The Adventure Guide Training bundle includes a track of 6 different courses. You can choose one or take them all.
Adventure travel guides are central to the delivery of professional, responsible and memorable adventure travel experiences. The rapid growth in adventure travel in recent decades has led to an increase in demand for professional adventure travel guides and highlighted the need for an accessible, clear and universal adventure travel guide standard.
Adventure guides manage safety and risks and ensure the overall quality of participant’s experience while safeguarding both adventure travel company and destination reputations. Moreover, adventure travel guides have a critical role to play in delivering and educating about sustainability with focus on the climate emergency, biodiversity preservation, social impacts of global tourism and biosecurity issues.
In an effort to bring together one integrated Adventure Travel Guide Standard (ATGS), in 2015 the Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) convened a working group of adventure travel professionals from 16 countries, including guides, business owners, and tour operators. The 1st Edition was published in February 2016.
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